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Learn Arduino with YouTube Videos

Guide to Seven-Segment LED Display – 5161AS

Project description

This project aims to display all one-digit numbers from 0 to 9, using a seven-segment display. The time period in which one digit is displayed is 1 second. After displaying the number 9, the cycle repeats and starts again from 0. In addition to getting acquainted with the way the seven-segment display works, the goal of the project is to master the use of functions when writing sketches.

Operational principle of Arduino Analog Pins

Project description

The aim of this project is to get acquainted with the way of using the potentiometer, the operation of analog inputs and reading the values from the sensors (in this case the role of the sensor is played by the potentiometer). A theoretical explanation is given at the beginning of the video. In the following, we will see what it looks like when we read the voltage that we control with a potentiometer from the analog input of the Arduino, and how we use that voltage value to control the light intensity of the LED.

Understanding Pull-Up and Pull-Down Resistors

Project description

When using a microcontroller, when the pin we use as an input is not set to “HIGH” or “LOW” state, but its state “floats” between these two values, we say that it is in a state of high impedance. This is a condition that we definitely want to avoid because it leads to irregularities (unpredictability) in work and that is why we introduce a concept like “pull-up” and “pull-down” resistors. These are not special types of resistors, but resistors that allow us to maintain the desired state of the logic circuit regardless of the conditions. The Arduino pin is connected via this resistor to a constant value, either to the + 5V power supply or to the GND (ground). In the first case it is a “pull-up”, while in the second we are talking about a “pull-down” resistor.

DIY Arduino Night Light: Easy Step-by-Step Project

Project description

Arduino night light switch beginner project. The principle of operation of this circuit is based on measuring the brightness of the room, and when the brightness is low, the LED diode turns on. This project is very easy to adapt to the needs of street light. The necessary components for performing this circuit are a photoresistor (LDR), an LED diode and several resistors. One for LED protection, the other performs the function of a voltage divider. You can find a sketch for the circuit on my blog, while the entire procedure is explained here and the operation of the circuit is shown.

Hello Arduino World: Blinking LED Tutorial

Project description

Beginner Arduino project with two LEDs that alternately turn on and off. The project enables an introduction to the Arduino UNO board, more precisely the pins and the way in which the pins are used as outputs. Then introduction to the ArduinoIDE environment for programming microcontrollers. In addition, it provides basic information from electronics on how to use LEDs and their protection in electric cars.

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