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Hello Arduino World: Flashing LED Tutorial

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

Some time ago, I started to discover a new area in programming and electronics, it’s about the Internet of Things, a little more precisely about microprocessors and microcontrollers. As I announced in the first text on the blog one of my target areas is Arduino and it’s time for the first post! This text is different from the others, this time in addition to the text, video material for the first project is included, something like “Hello world!” – flashing LED. I follow trends a bit, or at least try, but I definitely enjoy doing this!

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Simple PHP Chat App: A Step-by-Step Guide

De-Google your phone and enjoy freedom

Looking for ideas for exercise and entertainment, I came across an interesting, seemingly simple php chat app. MySQL, JavaSrcipt, Ajax can not be omitted. 🙂 There is a three-hour video clip that leads through the creation of the application, of course the text variant is also available, and most importantly the complete code. I would like to thank Coding Nepal for the work, effort and idea!

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