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Simple Arduino Advertisement Display Project

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

Summer has started and hiding from the heat, a new video tutorial arrives. The project of creating a simple advertisement using the MAX7219 integrated circuit – LED matrix driver, LED matrix module and Arduino. This task can be solved in a simple way by using external libraries for working with the MAX7219 and the LED matrix in a few lines of code. As a result, an attractive text animation is obtained. It is possible to connect several LED matrix modules, the complete impression would be better.

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Parola and MAX72xx Libraries for Arduino

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

For the purposes of creating a simple advertisement, i.e. for a project in which an LED matrix will be used to display animated text, I used two additional libraries. I chose them because I think it was the simplest solution for working with the MAX7219 IC and animating the text. To begin with, a little about the libraries themselves, and the project will be described in the following text. The libraries in question are MAX72xx and Parola.

Read More »Parola and MAX72xx Libraries for Arduino