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Operational principle of Arduino Analog Pins

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

The aim of this project is to get acquainted with the way of using the potentiometer, the operation of analog inputs and reading the values from the sensors (in this case the role of the sensor is played by the potentiometer). A theoretical explanation is given at the beginning of the video. In the following, we will see what it looks like when we read the voltage that we control with a potentiometer from the analog input of the Arduino, and how we use that voltage value to control the light intensity of the LED.

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Understanding Pull-Up and Pull-Down Resistors

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

When using a microcontroller, when the pin we use as an input is not set to “HIGH” or “LOW” state, but its state “floats” between these two values, we say that it is in a state of high impedance. This is a condition that we definitely want to avoid because it leads to irregularities (unpredictability) in work and that is why we introduce a concept like“pull-up”and“pull-down”resistors. These are not special types of resistors, but resistors that allow us to maintain the desired state of the logic circuit regardless of the conditions. Arduino pin is connected via this resistor to a constant value, either to the + 5V power supply or to the GND (ground). In the first case it is a “pull-up”, while in the second we are talking about a “pull-down” resistor.

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How to Network Two Computers Under Linux

De-Google your phone and enjoy freedom

I also dealt a little with this topic, I went into the administrator’s waters and looked for a way to network two machines under (Arch) Linux in the simplest way, in order to easily transfer a bunch of data that I need from time to time, and what I allowed myself was fast backups. This is important because I am often do a little distro hopping. One thing is for sure, I always come back to Arch Linux!

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DIY Arduino Night Light: Easy Step-by-Step Project

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

Time flows, and as it flows, I managed to force myself to make this video tutorial for Arduino. This time the theme is a circuit that turns the night light on or off based on the brightness of the room. This is a nice thing, especially when there are small children in the house, so it is necessary for the light to be turned on at all times. Of course, there is also a modification of this circuit, so that it can be used for, say, street lighting. The positive aspects of such a project can be easily seen and enumerated.

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Boost Performance on ArchLinux – HDD tricks

Arch Linux installation, guides, reviews

ArchLinux as a distro gives quite a lot of freedom to the end user to configure the entire system. Starting with the installation that is done from the console (there are TUI and GUI variants, but I’m talking about the basic one), through the post-installation procedure, the user has to adjust everything himself in order to have a functional system, working environment, etc. In this text, I will mention one item, and that is improving the performance of classic hard drivesI will have to quote and publish one by one, because one text cannot cover everything.

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Hello Arduino World: Flashing LED Tutorial

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

Some time ago, I started to discover a new area in programming and electronics, it’s about the Internet of Things, a little more precisely about microprocessors and microcontrollers. As I announced in the first text on the blog one of my target areas is Arduino and it’s time for the first post! This text is different from the others, this time in addition to the text, video material for the first project is included, something like “Hello world!” – flashing LED. I follow trends a bit, or at least try, but I definitely enjoy doing this!

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Resetting forgotten Windows password – chntpw

Hacking and cracking windows passwords

I come back with the story again, and this time I go to the dark side … a little. Why the dark side, you ask? Part of my job is to use Windows OS and I can’t escape that. So I consider Windows the dark side because I know there is something better and of course I use that something every day. The other side of the dark side story is about computer ethics, but I had no other way out of the situation. I had to use Linux and the chntpw tool to allow myself access to one of the user accounts on one of computers at work.

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Install ArchLinux in 50 Easy Steps

Arch Linux installation, guides, reviews

The migration from the old to the new computer took me a long time, but it also enabled me to write this text – how to manually install ArchLinux. I need a reminder when an accident happens, and it can help someone. When you read “50” steps, it may scare someone, but if you know how to work in the console, there will be no problems. This way of installation can be fun, not to mention that “I am God!” moment and of course bragging in front of a clumsy neighbors that doesn’t even know what Linux is, not to mention the console and all commands you type. They’ll just think you invented the Matrix. This brings with it some bad things, they will ask you to fix their computer. When I say this it means that they will call you for every little thing. The warning is there, the good sides as well, so let me start with the list.

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Archfi: The Arch Way TUI Installer Guide

Arch Linux installation, guides, reviews

I continue the story about Linux, in fact about ArchLinux to be more precise. I have already mentioned that it is a distribution for enthusiasts and certainly for those with a little more experience. When I mention experience, it means a good knowledge of console work, directory structure, partitioning, in fact the entire Linux ecosystem. In this text, I will write about a script that makes it easier to install ArchLinux. It’s called Archfi and basicаlly is a TUI installer.

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Simple PHP Chat App: A Step-by-Step Guide

De-Google your phone and enjoy freedom

Looking for ideas for exercise and entertainment, I came across an interesting, seemingly simple php chat app. MySQL, JavaSrcipt, Ajax can not be omitted. 🙂 There is a three-hour video clip that leads through the creation of the application, of course the text variant is also available, and most importantly the complete code. I would like to thank Coding Nepal for the work, effort and idea!

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