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Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

Binary Counter with 74HC595 Shift Register

At first glance, with the Arduino UNO microcontroller (μcontroller) it can be concluded that the number of digital pins is insufficient for a more serious project. The Arduino Mega offers 54 digital pins, so you can consider purchasing such a microcontroller. Another solution that allows you to increase the number of pins is to use shift registers. In this case, we are talking about the shift register 74HC595. How this is achieved, how a scroll register works and how to use it with an Arduino UNO controller is the topic of this video tutorial and text.

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Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

Guide to Seven-Segment LED Display – 5161AS

The seven-segment display (single-digit) is one of the electronic components intended for displaying numerical values (integers from 0 to 9). The designation of the component that will be used in the exercise is 5161AS.

What are segments? The seven-segment display consists of 8 LED elements, 7 are used to represent numerical values and 1 LED element is used to represent a decimal point. The segments are arranged in the shape of the number “8”. By including precisely defined segments, it is possible to display any number from 0 to 9.

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Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

Operational principle of Arduino Analog Pins

The aim of this project is to get acquainted with the way of using the potentiometer, the operation of analog inputs and reading the values from the sensors (in this case the role of the sensor is played by the potentiometer). A theoretical explanation is given at the beginning of the video. In the following, we will see what it looks like when we read the voltage that we control with a potentiometer from the analog input of the Arduino, and how we use that voltage value to control the light intensity of the LED.

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Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

Understanding Pull-Up and Pull-Down Resistors

When using a microcontroller, when the pin we use as an input is not set to “HIGH” or “LOW” state, but its state “floats” between these two values, we say that it is in a state of high impedance. This is a condition that we definitely want to avoid because it leads to irregularities (unpredictability) in work and that is why we introduce a concept like“pull-up”and“pull-down”resistors. These are not special types of resistors, but resistors that allow us to maintain the desired state of the logic circuit regardless of the conditions. Arduino pin is connected via this resistor to a constant value, either to the + 5V power supply or to the GND (ground). In the first case it is a “pull-up”, while in the second we are talking about a “pull-down” resistor.

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Ultimate Cheat Sheet 4 Linux Console Commands

As I am a forgetful type, I often need a reminder. Especially when I’m doing something, it happens that at the moment I can’t remember a command, or how many arguments go in the function call or something like that. That’s why I always get excited when I come across cheat sheet tables with an overview of the most common, or most useful commands. On this occasion, I will set up tables with an overview of Linux commands, found on Facebook, so that the terminal does not look dreadful, as it is at first glance 🙂 A lot of examples you can find just by searching the Web 🙂

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Celebrating 30 Years of the Linux Kernel

The jubilee birthday of the Linux kernel comes and goes (August 25), a miracle that changed the course of development of modern OSes. I use the word “miracle” because that’s how it turned out in the end. The project, which the creator Linus Torvalds himself did not believe would come to life, is a global phenomena today. It is located all around us, the simplest example is of course the smartphone with Android. We are talking about 1.6 billion devices at the heart of which is the Linux kernel. The kernel is part of the operating systems that run our desktop computers, mainframes, supercomputers …

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How to Network Two Computers Under Linux

I also dealt a little with this topic, I went into the administrator’s waters and looked for a way to network two machines under (Arch) Linux in the simplest way, in order to easily transfer a bunch of data that I need from time to time, and what I allowed myself was fast backups. This is important because I am often do a little distro hopping. One thing is for sure, I always come back to Arch Linux!

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Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

DIY Arduino Night Light: Easy Step-by-Step Project

Time flows, and as it flows, I managed to force myself to make this video tutorial for Arduino. This time the theme is a circuit that turns the night light on or off based on the brightness of the room. This is a nice thing, especially when there are small children in the house, so it is necessary for the light to be turned on at all times. Of course, there is also a modification of this circuit, so that it can be used for, say, street lighting. The positive aspects of such a project can be easily seen and enumerated.

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Udemy JavaScript Certificate – First step

After a lot of time, I managed to listen and do the final project on one of (in my opinion) the best JavaScript courses on the platform. This is the course “” by Jonas Schmedtmann (I hope I translated his name well). I might not have written about the certificate itself and this particular lecturer, but my enthusiasm for his approach to the course, how it was designed, what it encompasses, as well as the way he explains, certainly influenced the decision to write this text. The very fact that the course contains less than 70 hours of video material speaks of its substantiality.

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