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Simple PHP Chat App: A Step-by-Step Guide

De-Google your phone and enjoy freedom

Looking for ideas for exercise and entertainment, I came across an interesting, seemingly simple php chat app. MySQL, JavaSrcipt, Ajax can not be omitted. 🙂 There is a three-hour video clip that leads through the creation of the application, of course the text variant is also available, and most importantly the complete code. I would like to thank Coding Nepal for the work, effort and idea!

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Awesome Smooth Scrolling Effect in JavaScript

Development, coding, hacking background image, Easy Email Verification

For many, the previous post might fall under “news from the margin,” but for me, it’s a highly effective possibility. Now, I’m diving into another tangible topic: JavaScript. Though new to me, JavaScript has quickly captured my full attention. Striving to become a better programmer and advancing as a Web developer, I realized that mastering both Frontend and Backend is essential.

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