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Arch Linux Install: ArchFi Makes it Easy

Arch Linux installation, guides, reviews

It’s been a while since my last guide for installing ArchLinux article that covered the classic installation method (reading the documentation and typing command by command until you get to a working system). The following is a new one that will describe how to install this popular Linux distribution, using the Archfi installation script, I mentioned earlier. This text will be part of a trilogy that will consist of: Archfi script, Archinstal script and finally their comparison. Somehow, it just happened that a few days ago, a new version of the Archfi script was released after less than a year and a half, so let’s see how it all works (and it works 🙂 ).

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Build an Arduino Ultrasonic Ranging Device

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

Measuring the distance between two objects is important when talking about the organization and planning of space. This project makes it possible to do it in a simple, easy and relatively inexpensive way using an Arduino and an ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04. The only limitation imposed by the application of this sensor is the maximum range of 4m. For the needs of a hobby project in the household, it can get the job done, and quite well.

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Arduino Dice Roller: Random Number Display on LCD 1602

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

Although this assigment raises some ethical issues that I disagree with, I will deal with solving and explaining this problem. The assigment is to design a game of chance for elementary school students (assigment says so), where a randomly chosen number from 1 to 6 will be printed on the LCD display – in simpler terms, it is a simulation of throwing a dice.

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Simple Arduino Advertisement Display Project

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

Summer has started and hiding from the heat, a new video tutorial arrives. The project of creating a simple advertisement using the MAX7219 integrated circuit – LED matrix driver, LED matrix module and Arduino. This task can be solved in a simple way by using external libraries for working with the MAX7219 and the LED matrix in a few lines of code. As a result, an attractive text animation is obtained. It is possible to connect several LED matrix modules, the complete impression would be better.

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Parola and MAX72xx Libraries for Arduino

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

For the purposes of creating a simple advertisement, i.e. for a project in which an LED matrix will be used to display animated text, I used two additional libraries. I chose them because I think it was the simplest solution for working with the MAX7219 IC and animating the text. To begin with, a little about the libraries themselves, and the project will be described in the following text. The libraries in question are MAX72xx and Parola.

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Arduino LED Brightness Control with Buttons

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

The assignment is the realization of New Year’s LED lighting that will have certain light effects while the user is enabled to control the brightness intensity in the range from 0 to 100% with two push buttons. Here you will find detailed instructions and explanations of the program. I started with the 6th task from the collection, and there will be more similar texts soon. The practice so far has been to make a video clip and explain the task through text on the blog, and now a document will be available for download.

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Arduino LCD 1602 Simple Hello World Project

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

As time goes on, the number of components, modules and ideas for Arduino-based projects grows! This time, a widespread component that is an indispensable part of any embedded system will be covered. It is a component whose purpose is to display data – textual or numerical, LCD module 1602a. Introduction to the characteristics of the component, mode of operation and its programming will be illustrated with the help of two simple programs (sketches). The first is “Hello, world!”, Which performs a simple display of textual data on the display, while the second includes a display of data obtained from the keyboard.

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Fedora KDE Plasma Minimal Easy Install Guide

Fedora Linux Distribution

After a while, I will talk about Fedora again, because during the previous distro-hopping , Fedora generally left a positive impression on me. I may have been a little harsh to the Gnome environment, but in any case, this distro received a passing grade. Maybe even a C+! Between versions 34 and 35, I noticed significant improvements in the package manager, ie its speed. This text brings one more thing, and that is the bash script for installing Fedora with KDE Plasma environment and all the basic programs to use.

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Binary Counter with 74HC595 Shift Register

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

At first glance, with the Arduino UNO microcontroller (μcontroller) it can be concluded that the number of digital pins is insufficient for a more serious project. The Arduino Mega offers 54 digital pins, so you can consider purchasing such a microcontroller. Another solution that allows you to increase the number of pins is to use shift registers. In this case, we are talking about the shift register 74HC595. How this is achieved, how a scroll register works and how to use it with an Arduino UNO controller is the topic of this video tutorial and text.

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Guide to Seven-Segment LED Display – 5161AS

Arduino microcontroller and guides and video tutorials

The seven-segment display (single-digit) is one of the electronic components intended for displaying numerical values (integers from 0 to 9). The designation of the component that will be used in the exercise is 5161AS.

What are segments? The seven-segment display consists of 8 LED elements, 7 are used to represent numerical values and 1 LED element is used to represent a decimal point. The segments are arranged in the shape of the number “8”. By including precisely defined segments, it is possible to display any number from 0 to 9.

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