I have been using Fedora Linux for some time now. I switched from Arch Linux in search of some more “peaceful” distribution. However, I’ve been using Arch for too long to accept the KDE spin of Fedora that comes with a bunch of bloatware by default. I searched and of course found a tutorial for a minimal installation of the KDE Plasma environment on Fedora. I wrote about it almost a year ago, and now a new version is coming!
The reason for this post is that I went a step further this time. I adapted the script I used before to my needs. Made a new repository on GitHub and will try to maintain it!
Step by step installation in pictures
The installation is intended for a desktop computer where I don’t need Wi-Fi support and gave it an extra freshness. I’ve adapted the installation guide to newer versions of Fedora, so the links to instructions on other sites are more up to date. Added a section on how to enable the RPM Fusion repository and of course Flatpacks (Flathub). It is now a standard in application distribution. I can’t comment on whether it’s ideal or not. 🙂
Consider this the Arch way to install KDE Plasma on Fedora! The good thing is that this script and the accompanying instructions can be a good starting point for installing on any other distribution!
I will also provide photo gallery to further document the entire installation process and of course the final result! I must admit that I am satisfied!