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OpenSUSE Linux Distro

Migrating from Arch Linux to OpenSUSE: A New Perspective

As a long-time Linux user, I have always enjoyed the freedom this operating system provides. However, as time passes, needs and priorities change. For many years I have used Arch Linux , a distribution that fully introduces you to the world of control and customization. If you are not familiar with Arch, it is known for requiring the user to be fully responsible for the system – from installation to configuration of all components. This DIY philosophy is what appeals to many, including myself.

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NixOS Linux System Upgrade Tutorial

Level Up NixOS: Mastering Package Updates

Welcome to the Wonderland of NixOS!

Hey, fellow Linux enthusiasts and curios! Have you ever found yourself in the middle of a system upgrade, biting your nails and hoping it doesn’t lead to fixing what wasn’t broken? Well, buckle up, because after getting to know NixOS, we’re about to embark on a wondrous walk through NixOS wonderland, where system upgrades are smooth sailing. Get ready to dive into a world where package management is not just a task, but an adventure!

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ESP32 Microcontroller Guide, Tutorials

ESP32 Microcontroller: Master the Basics

Alright, let’s cut to the chase. You’ve heard the buzz about the ESP32 microcontroller, and you’re itching to get your hands dirty with it, right? Well, you’re in luck! We’re about to embark on a geeky adventure through the circuit basics, breaking down the nitty-gritty of this tiny yet mighty powerhouse. We’ll take a gander at what makes the ESP32 tick, its pinout that’s as vast as the ocean, and why it’s the go-to chip for hobbyists and pros alike. So buckle up, ’cause this ride’s going to be electrifying!

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Fedora Linux Distribution

KDE Plasma on Fedora: Minimal Setup

I have been using Fedora Linux for some time now. I switched from Arch Linux in search of some more “peaceful” distribution. However, I’ve been using Arch for too long to accept the KDE spin of Fedora that comes with a bunch of bloatware by default. I searched and of course found a tutorial for a minimal installation of the KDE Plasma environment on Fedora. I wrote about it almost a year ago, and now a new version is coming!

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Arch Linux installation, guides, reviews

Arch Install Made Easy: Archinstall Guide

Instructions for installing ArchLinux using the installation script ArchFi (and then ArchDi) is the first in a series of texts dedicated to the comparison of different ways of installing the ArchLinux distribution. This text is also an installation guide, but using the officially supported script – Archinstall. I will refrain from giving too many impressions, that remains for the third and last text in this area. I’ll just say that it’s a much simpler way to install ArchLinux and a minimal desktop environment offered from the list.

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Arch Linux installation, guides, reviews

Arch Linux Install: ArchFi Makes it Easy

It’s been a while since my last guide for installing ArchLinux article that covered the classic installation method (reading the documentation and typing command by command until you get to a working system). The following is a new one that will describe how to install this popular Linux distribution, using the Archfi installation script, I mentioned earlier. This text will be part of a trilogy that will consist of: Archfi script, Archinstal script and finally their comparison. Somehow, it just happened that a few days ago, a new version of the Archfi script was released after less than a year and a half, so let’s see how it all works (and it works 🙂 ).

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Fedora Linux Distribution

Fedora KDE Plasma Minimal Easy Install Guide

After a while, I will talk about Fedora again, because during the previous distro-hopping , Fedora generally left a positive impression on me. I may have been a little harsh to the Gnome environment, but in any case, this distro received a passing grade. Maybe even a C+! Between versions 34 and 35, I noticed significant improvements in the package manager, ie its speed. This text brings one more thing, and that is the bash script for installing Fedora with KDE Plasma environment and all the basic programs to use.

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Arch Linux installation, guides, reviews

By The Way, I Use Arch Linux With Ease!

It’s been a long time since I became a GNU / Linux user, which I’m proud of! I tried it out of curiosity , and now I can’t imagine everyday life without it. It’s one of those things that gets under your skin and there’s no going back! Profesionally or when they make me I use the other OS, but the love and affection to Linux is stronger than anything. Probably that’s why I write about it and always emphasize it. I’ve used a number of distributions so far, some just a few minutes, while others for years. The distro I use the longest and to whom I like to return after an experiment is ArchLinux, so I can afford to say that famous sentence – By the way, I use Arch Linux!

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